Comedown Machine (Yellow Opaque w/ Red Marble Vinyl) The Strokes Hết hàng Angles (Purple Vinyl) The Strokes 800.000 Is This It The Strokes Hết hàng Room On Fire The Strokes Hết hàng Is This It (Red Transparent Vinyl) The Strokes Hết hàng Angles The Strokes 320.000 Room On Fire The Strokes Hết hàng First Impressions Of Earth The Strokes Hết hàng Is This It The Strokes Hết hàng Is This It The Strokes Hết hàng The New Abnormal The Strokes Hết hàng The New Abnormal The Strokes Hết hàng The New Abnormal The Strokes Hết hàng